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You are here: Plan Your Visit > Getting Around > Bus
If not, don't worry, soon you will find out. The cheapest and convenient way to travel around Richmond upon Thames with abundence of sightseeing opportunities from the Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew) to Hampton Court Palace and many more.
Below you will find all the bus information you need to start exploring our beautiful borough:
London buses use only cashless payments, so make sure you have your Oyster card, Travelcard or contactless payment card to start touring Richmond upon Thames.
Bus fare is £1.75, and free of charge if you are transfering to any other buses or trams within one hour of touching on your first journey. However, please ensure you are using the same payment method for every journey.
The maximum price for bus-only travel is £4.95.
Night buses run overnight in Richmond upon Thames, for more information click here.
Below you will find all the bus services to our top attractions.
R68, 111, 216, 411, 267 |
65, 391 |
281 |
33, 490, H22, R68, R70 |
Richmond (including the town, Richmond Museum, Richmond Theatre, Orange Tree Theatre) |
33, 490, H22, H37, R68, R70, 65 |
33, 190, 290, 490, H22, R68, R70, 281, 267 |
65 |
465, R68, 111, 216, 411, 726, R70, 285 |
111, 216, R68 |
R68, 285, 281 |
33, 72, 283, 209 |
R68 |
33 |
33, 290, 490, H22, R68, R70 (then 5 minute walk) |
371 to Richmond Gate; 65 to Petersham Gate; 72, |
371 (then a 10 minute walk), 65 (then a 15 minute walk), |